We require you to fill out the following questionnaire each day prior to attending any on-site courses to assist in determining your fitness to participate during the COVID-19 pandemic and to provide a safe environment for instructors, assistants and course participants.
A copy of the CPA’s Guideline for Returning to In-Person Education and the Infection Control Protocol are available here. Please review these documents in advance of attending any on-site courses to ensure that you are aware of the requirements imposed upon you as well as the equipment you are required to bring with you each day of your course schedule.
The questionnaire intends to identify new symptoms or worsening of symptoms related to allergies, chronic or pre-existing conditions. Those with symptoms related solely to pre-existing conditions or allergies may still attend AIM courses.
In the last 10 days have you experienced any of the following symptoms which are new or worsened if associated with allergies, chronic or pre-existing conditions: fever >37.8°C, cough or worsening of chronic cough, new or worsening shortness of breath, new or worsening difficulty breathing, sore throat, and/or runny nose?
In the last 10 days have you had chills, painful swallowing, stuffy nose, headache, muscle or joint ache, feeling unwell, fatigue or severe exhaustion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or unexplained loss of appetite, loss of sense of smell or taste not related to a pre-existing medical condition in the last 24 hours?
In the last 14 days, have you travelled outside of Canada and been told to quarantine (per the federal quarantine requirements)?
Do any of the following apply?
*Close contact includes providing care, living with or otherwise having close prolonged contact (within 2 meters) while the person was ill, or contact with infectious bodily fluids (e.g. from a cough or sneeze) while not wearing recommended Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
**Probable case is a person with clinical illness who had close contact to a lab-confirmed COVID-19 case, while not wearing appropriate PPE, OR a person with clinical illness who meets the COVID-19 exposure criteria, AND in whom laboratory diagnosis of COVID-19 is inconclusive.
In the last 10 days, have you tested positive for COVID-19?
Has a doctor, health care provider, or public health unit told you that you should currently be isolating (staying at home)?
Assessment Result: GREEN/PASS
Please share your completed questionnaire with the screener.
If you answer “YES” to any of the questions, you are not permitted to attend the course at this time and you must self-isolate according to your province Public Health regulation. If you answer “NO” to all of the questions, you can proceed to participate in the course. If you develop symptoms at any point prior to or during the course, please complete a new questionnaire.
You must click the 'Send Message' button to finalize your questionnaire.
Assessment Result: RED/FAIL
You are not permitted to attend the course at this time and you must self-isolate. Please review the Isolation Protocol for guidance pertaining to the actions to be taken upon development of symptoms, coming into close contact with a positive or presumed positive COVID-19 individual and/or obtaining a positive or presumed positive COVID-19 test yourself.